Thursday, March 5, 2009

On the Move

I know my blogging has slacked but I've been struggling with what to right about. The situation here has continued to deteriorate to such a degree that I've been battling daily to escape the clutch of old demons like depression and utter desperation.

I'll spare you the details, mostly because words can't express how much my soul longs to be in fellowship again, and instead, clue you in one what’s been happening over the last few weeks….

Although it’s still under construction, Jackie and Hernando have decided to move into their new house in Villa Mella because they can no longer afford their current home in Tres Ojos. And so, little by little Hernando has been transporting loads of belongings across town and stacking boxes floor to ceiling in the new house's living room. Without the dorms or dining room, the home in Vella Mella is infinitely smaller than where they currently reside, but Jackie is determined to make due with the blessings she has; During the day, the outside patio will serve as kitchen and dining room, and at night, mattresses will be strewn sporadically on the floor.

It's a very stressful time for everyone because Jackie and Hernando are trying to move out before they owe another month's rent. To make matters worse, Brittany and Hugo (Jackie's daughter and son-in-law) moved out and Wilkin (another adult) has been asked to stay in the new house to watch over the property and belongings that are delivered daily. Since Hernando spends his days loading and unloading the van, Jackie is attempting to supervise 23 children by addition to doing the cooking and cleaning!!

To help speed along the move, I was preparing the walls for a new coat of paint, mending holes, removing shelves, and dissembling some of the BIGGEST, HEAVIEST, and most indestructible bunk beds known to man. It took ALL day just to get two sets apart!! But if the jobs themselves weren’t hard enough, the hot temperatures, random critters, and lack of electricity certainly made for exhausting days.

Some nights I was left working in the dark, using only my cell phone for illumination and the noise always scared creepy creature from their hiding places. In three days I was greeted with critters like rats, tarantulas, and giant cockroaches!

Bryan, Carlos & Laura showing off their muscles after loading the truck

Magdalena using her spidey vision to help illuminate the walls!

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