Sunday, December 21, 2008

Take Three

I attended church today and with only eleven days left in 2008, we talked about our vision for the upcoming year and shared the things we're thankful to have experienced over the past 365 days.

If you're reading this I assume you're interested in my life, at least in some degree, so here are my answers:

My hope for 2009 is that I will truly be able to embrace my life in the Dominican Republic. So far, I have focused on simply surviving the transition, but that's not enough. I don't want to live each day struggling to keep my head above water, feeling like an emotional wreck, and counting the days until I return to the U.S. I know that God has lead me to the DR and I desire to focus more on HIM and less on my circumstances.

**My list of blessings extend much further than what I can write or fully express, but here's a short list:

-The constant love, patience, and mercy of my Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Without Him I truly would have and be nothing.

-The past 8 months that I've been given to love my boyfriend Daniel. Our relationship has brought me more joy than I've ever known possible. And baby when you read this I want you to know that there are no words to express my love for you. I am so grateful for your encouragement and support. The past three months have been especially hard, but Daniel, I can truly say that I love you more now than ever before. I'm gunna marry you one day day!!

-My parents and future in-laws. All of your prayers, encouragement, support and love have supplied me with so much strength and courage. I am forever grateful for each of you.

-My church family, both near and far. I covet your prayers, words of encouragement, emails, visits, and phone calls. Your financial support supplies my material necessities but your spiritual support provides for my deepest needs.

-The friends who always welcome me with open arms and hearts. One of the greatest blessings God has given me is each of you.

-Sam. Thanks for being such a good little buddy!

-clean water, electricity, air conditioning and heat, communication technology, good health, laughter, hugs, Christmas lights and music, worship, food, and finally, the ability to recall and cherish memories but still hope for the future.

With the New Year quickly approaching, I pray that each of you will be blessed by the Mighty Hand of God. Remember to pray first, listen second, and act third.

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