Monday, January 12, 2009

Round Two

Nearly two weeks into the new year and I have yet to post something....

In case you haven't heard, after a wonderful month-long vacation in the States where I traveled thousands of miles to visit friends and family in Myrtle Beach, Rock Hill, Michigan and Kentucky, I have finally returned to the Dominican Republic.
upon my return - I wasn't coming back alone! A family of four (actually five, but the 2-year-old was left in the States with a babysitter) came back with me to experience the Dominican life for a few days. And what an experience they received!

From the moment they arrived, the Wisemen's trip was full of excitement, laughs, and memorable moments. Jackie had forgotten what day we were landing and she was two hours away at a fun
Although my transition back to bottled water, HOT weather, and perpetual Spanish has been fairly smooth, it has still held some challenges (my first night here I ruined a perfectly good toothbrush by sticking it under the faucet). And unfortunately, the goodbyes never get easier.

But God sent me a HUGE blessing from the States eral when we arrived in Santo Domingo. Around midnight, her son Roger finally came to our rescue and the real adventure began! Roger's car is about the size of a Ford Escort and after a bit of maneuvering, we stuffed the trunk with luggage, tied two bags on the roof, stuck one suitcase in Roger's lap (his wife was driving), and piled all five Americans in the back seat - it was a very long, hot, and hilarious half-hour drive to my house.

The Wisemen's also got to see the house that Jackie will someday move into once construction of the dorms is complete. It's got a looong way to go, be we hope to bring down mission teams to speed along the progress. We also visited Cercadillo and the Garbage Dump. The Wisemen’s trip was such a blessing for me, Jackie and Hernando, and I hope for themselves.

It's been two days since they left and the void has been hard. It's been a long time since it was just Sam and Me but we're slowly getting used to the Dominican life again and I’m sure that God has incredibly things on the horizon.

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