Wednesday, January 21, 2009


There has been a change of plans and several decisions made concerning my future as a Dominican missionary.

My original purpose here was to help Jackie in both the communities she works in and also as the kid's English teacher. If you've been following my blog, you already know that the first three months here were riddled with set-backs, frustrations, and cultural lessons learned the hard way. Many issues that were not apparent before I moved to the DR have become very visible since I've started working with Jackie's House on a somewhat regular basis.

These issues has lead the church to a very important decision. One week ago I received an email from my boss, the leader of missions and outreach, telling me that the decision had been made to bring me home in March of this year. Although this is only a quarter of the two years I intended to spend in the Dominican Republic, I truly believe it is the best decision at this point.

Christ United Methodist Church still plans on helping Jackie's House by bringing several short-term construction trips down over the summer to work on projects. In addition to these trips, the church and I will be praying about where God is leading us next concerning Jackie's ministry. We still feel called to help the Dominican Republic, but at this point, we're unsure which ways that will be.

I know that this may come as a big surprise, but please trust me when I say that the decision was made based on lots of praying.

Also, it is important that you know that your support has not been in vain. Your prayers and gifts have allowed me to achieve my dream of being a foreign missionary and over the previous four months I have learned more about myself, my faith, and my God then I ever knew possible.

I will continue to work five days a week with Jackie's House until my departure at the end of March. Also, the children's previous teacher, Ruth, has returned and will be continuing their lessons.

As I prepare for my return, I ask that you join me in prayer. Please pray:
-That I would make the most of my last two months here
-That Jackie and Hernando would not feel abandoned, guilty, or burdened in any way due to my early departure
-That God would give me the words to speak in a manner which 32 children can understand when it comes time to inform them.
-That even now, God would be making a way for me in the States involving work, housing, and transportation
-That all the details of my life here would be worked out with the least bit of frustration and anxiety as possible.

I thank you for your continued support and encouragement and would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

1 comment:

Kim said...

hey there.. just found your blog thanks to facebook ;)

..just wanted to let you know i'll be praying for you!!!! (i am leaving TMP in two weeks, and even though it's just down the street in pawleys, i know it will never be the same.. i have many of the same prayer requests!!)

so, can't wait to catch up on your life in DR a little more.. much love! <3