Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Still Waiting...

It looks like the apartment I spoke about last time may be my new home. :-) We received confirmation from the church (thank you for all the prayers and support!!) and were faxed the necessary paperwork yesterday.

However, I'm waiting to say it's "mine" until I have the keys in hand. If all goes as planned, I should be able to move in on the first of October. Please keep the details in your prayers!

In other news, I haven't been able to do much work this week because of the all the rain and some complications on Jackie's end. She wanted to take clean water to the garbage dump community but the truck is broken. It was supposed to be fixed by yesterday, but like everything else in this country, "supposed to" is loosely associated with "maybe, perhaps" and "if you're lucky." So the water has been put on hold until further notice.

BUT! Supposedly I'm going with her in the morning to meet with some doctors who are going to perform physicals on all the kids at the dump. I'm apprehensive as to whether or not we'll actually get to do this, but excited at the possibility to get out of the house! If everything goes as planned, we'll be there all day because over 400 children live at the garbage dump!

I hope to be able to post pictures soon so those of you who are new to the site and the Dominican Republic can see what's going on down here. To give you a bit of history, the city garbage dump has become a refugee camp of-sorts for Haitians that are fleeing their country because of the civil war and hurricane damage. They come here, to Santo Domingo, and live amongst the trash - constructing their homes and diets out of anything they can find. The children are uneducated and malnourished, the mothers are desperate, and the fathers...well usually they aren't in the picture at all.

Jackie brings food, water, medicine, and anything she can to these people. I've been trying to figure out a way to end the cycle of poverty and give the people (more specifically, the children), some sort of skill that could earn them an income and add value to their lives. Some possibilities include raising chickens or making paper bead necklaces. I ask that each of you take a moment to ask God to bless me with wisdom, discernment, and guidance during this process.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this and for sincerely taking an interest in what God is doing here. Your support and encouragement mean more than you'll ever know. I promise to keep you posted.

In Christ,


alscott said...

Hi Tasha, it's Amanda, Clayton's girlfriend. I was feeling so privileged to read your blogs and hear of your adventures in DR. As I read I was reminded of scriputure I read today while I'm healing from sickness. Col 3:15-17 "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts.....Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom...and whatever you do, whether in word or deed do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."

May God continue to lead you in the above. I can see these things as I followed your journey through your eloquent words. I encourage you not to hold back, I'm a writer too, a scribe if you will, and God has given this gift for a reason. You will reach many this way as they live through your experiences in the words that God gives you. You will use your gift of the written word to convey the teachings that God has given You for the children. I call you blessed as you move forward in this New Beginning! In Christ Jesus, Amanda

Tasha said...

Amanda, your kind and profound words mean so much. It's incredibly encouraging to get comments from people that I had no idea would be reading my blog!!

Please, keep reading, and I promise to be as honest and vulnerable as the keyboard will allow. May the peace of Christ be with you my sister.