Friday, September 19, 2008

Una casa por favor

Hola chicas y chicos!

I hope this little note finds all of you doing well. First, I want to thank you so much for all of your prayers and letters of support. It really means a lot to know that I am supported back home and to know that Daniel and I are surrounded by all of your prayers.

I'm going to attempt to keep this short, but I'm a writer by nature, so please excuse any rambling....

I know that most of you know that about my house situation (in case you don't or have forgotten: for the last three months Jackie has been looking for me a place to stay and the house hunt has been going on full-time the last week and a half since I've been here but with little luck.) I've been continuously disappointed by high prices, false advertising, or other sudden changes.

Although it's been frustrating, I've learned a lot about the Dominican culture over the last week and the woman I'm staying with has been an incredible hostess.

BUT I dare to say that the house hunt MAY be over. (I'm trying not to get my hopes up until I have the keys in hand because you never know anything with this country!) I looked at the apartment this morning and we're going to call tomorrow to say that we want it so PLEASE BE PRAYING!! Pray that it's still available, that the land lord is willing to wait until the first of the month for me to fully pay and move in (I have to wait and receive my allowance from the church at the first of the month), and that all the details of moving go smoothly.

The apartment itself is in a very good area (as far as safety is concerned), is on the first floor (to help move in all those heavy and over packed suitcases missionaries always seem to bring), and has 3 bedrooms, and 2 baths. However, the really high selling points are the fact that it comes fully furnished (with the exception of a washer/dryer), has a/c in EVERY bedroom and comes with a full inverter. Those last two things may seem odd or easy to come by, but believe me when I say that they are NOT! A/C is a luxury and although I was prepared to go without it, what a blessing for those hot and humid nights! Also, it will make everyone else's stay a lot more comfortable when I have teams down. Finally, and perhaps more importantly, it comes with an inverter which is kinda like a generator for when the power goes out. Which happens frequently, just ask anyone who's been here. Try cooking, bathing, or doing piratically anything else with not electricity!!

This house would be a HUGE blessing for me, for Jackie, for Beth (the woman I'm staying with), and for any of you who plan on visiting. So PLEASE pray that if it's God's will, that everything works out in a timely manner and if it's not, that I will continue to be patient with this crazy life I've started.

I love you all and can't wait to give more updates!


1 comment:

Jean said...


Hi my name is Jean me and my husband Billy and my 6yr. old Kala have been attending CUMC for about 7months we moved from Shelby N.C. I just wanted to let you know that you have touched my heart and Im so glad that you are letting GOD lead your life, we will be praying for you and your safety. You are a SPECIAL young lady always keep your eyes on JESUS he is always with you. May GOD bless you my SISTER in CHRIST.

Your Friend,
Jean Abernethy