Monday, October 27, 2008


Today has been utterly amazing. I'm so tired part of me doesn't want to type this blog, but I know it's incredibly important so I’m going to find the energy.

For those who have been following my journey, we have reached an incredibly wonderful place - the point of WORK!! THANK YOU JESUS!!

After two days of sulking and feeling alone, God answered our prayers and brought me a day so full of activity that the only thing I long for is my bed. :-) Before I jump to the good parts though, let's back up a bit….

Jackie and Hernando were supposed to come over last night to have dinner and enjoy each other's company. By three o'clock, I hadn't heard from them and was beginning to worry that I was going to be stood up. I tried calling but didn’t have much luck. Hernando's phone went straight to a recorded message in Spanish and Jackie's phone was answered by someone who claimed they didn't know who she was!!

By five, I had given up that they were coming and was frustrated and disappointed. I thought, "You mean to tell me NOTHING has changed?! Still?!"

Two hours later, Jackie called and vehemently apologized for not doing so sooner. She hadn't been feeling well all day and a nurse suggested she spend the afternoon resting and sleeping. Hernando's phone had been turned off so it wouldn't wake her and her phone was being fixed (explaining the recorded message and the strange man). She said sorry over and over, asking if everything was alright and repeatedly saying how much she loves me, how proud she is of me, and how much she needs me. She continued by saying that after the team and I left on Friday, she prayed and God told her that all the communication problems are things the devil has put in our way to slow us down and to stop what God wants to do.

Jackie said that she felt convicted that it wasn't something wrong with her or with me, and that more than ever before, we need to become a team. She stated that she wants to spend one day a week talking, praying, and really building a relationship. I can't tell you how excited all of this makes me!! It was like all my prayers were being answered at once!

And today! WOW! Hernando picked me up at 7:45 and the minute I stepped in the door at Jackie's I began teaching. I had VERY little planned but ended up giving 5 HOURS of lessons!! God is good! Before I left this morning, I prayed, asking for patience and wisdom. I was a bit nervous because I have NO teaching experience and the only materials I had were some flashcards I made while passing time at Beth's.

Upon my arrival, I was given a whole arsenal of supplies that Jackie gathered last night. Whole slew of materials awaited me including crayons, books, more flashcards, pencils, and notebook paper! And God used everything during my five hour session with the kids! We practiced colors, parts of the body, numbers, the English alphabet, spelling, matching, and math. Although trying and sometimes overwhelming (being the only teacher amongst 30 kids is EXHAUSTING) it was a wonderful day!

I was dropped off just before two and have spent the last several hours making lesson plans for tomorrow!

And now, at 8:15, I'm ready for bed! :-)

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