Sunday, October 19, 2008

A Small Token

Sometimes God gives us a small token of love to remind us that we are not alone. I experienced such a gift today.

For the past couple of weeks my boyfriend, Daniel, and I have been using an internet service called Skype to talk. We both have web cams and can "see" one another in addition to hearing each other's voices. It has been an AMAZING blessing! We can talk as long as we want, absolutely free, and I get to SEE him!!

Well tonight God gave me an extra special gift. Before moving to the Dominican Republic nearly 6 weeks ago, I attend three church services a week: Christ United Methodist's contemporary service on Sunday mornings, and two campus ministries called Refuge and Experience the Life (ETL) on Thursday and Sunday nights respectively. Since moving here however, I have yet to step inside of a sanctuary. I've tried to compensate for the lack of fellowship by spending daily time in the Bible and in prayer, but I can still sense that my spirit desires more.

Thankfully, through the amazing blessing of technology, I recently discovered that I can download my church's sermons and listen to them here!! It takes awhile to download the message, but it's worth it! Today, for the first time in weeks, I had "church!" I chose a few songs from my I-pod and listened to a sermon that was delivered weeks ago at CUMC. It was great.

And if that weren't enough, I was able to "attend" ETL!! Unsure if Skype would work or not on campus, Daniel took his laptop and webcam to ETL and I got to see many of the people that I so desperately miss! It was amazing!! During worship the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me as I realized that the praise my friends were singing on a campus in South Carolina was reaching the heavens and the nations!! Their voices were being broadcast all the way across an ocean and into a tiny apartment in Santo Domingo!! WHAT A THOUGHT!! I couldn't help but cry sweet tears of joy and thanksgiving.

God is sooo good!!

And so I leave you with this thought: wherever you are, sing songs of praise...and sing them loudly! Because your voice may be traveling farther than you could ever imagine. :-)

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