Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Ride of a Lifetime

"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, when you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
James 1:2-4

So after that first incredible, terrifying decent, any decent roller coaster offers another hill that seems to stretch to the skies. The momentum from the first fall is so great that the second mountain is reached in a fraction of a second.

That is how I feel.

After yesterday, and the incredible sense of solitude and hopelessness I experienced, God has answered both your prayers and mine and has sent His comfort. Today has been amazing. I feel like I've walked with angels and that my heart has been resurrected. Although I would like to consider myself a writer, there are no words to describe the breath I have been given. In less than 24 hours I have catapulted from the lowest point of this adventure so far to possibly the highest.

Upon the suggestion from a very close friend, I spent today praying and really seeking Christ. And it has been a wonderful day! It's always a beautiful thing to experience a Jesus-encounter, but after such a hard week, I would have been willing to accept just about any sort of spiritual nourishment.

I haven't been to church since I left and I've been depending on my I-pod and personal quiet times to connect me to God. After three weeks, I realize why the Bible places such emphasizes on fellowship. It's exhausting trying to live and serve the kingdom on your own!

I've always thought that a person's faith was dependent on only oneself and Christ. The church, Bible studies, and other types of accountability were meant to encourage and guide, but it was truly up to the sincerity of the individual. But day after day I was still in a rut. It didn't seem to matter how much I prayed, read, or cried, God was no closer.

But this morning, that changed. For the first time in weeks I felt a TRUE connection to the God who created me. It was AMAZING. As I prayed, I felt that if I reached out I would be able to feel the train of His robe and if I spoke, I would be able to hear His voice. It was like I had received permission to enter the innermost chambers of Heaven and God was there, just waiting for me. He whispered to my heart and the peace and joy that came in those early morning hours was the pentacle of pure beauty. And Although I know He felt close enough to physically grasp, I was too awestruck to move.

This is where I feel like I should write a thank you. I know that many of you were praying for me yesterday and I received lots of emails and scripture references. And I do not take those for granted. But there is nothing I can say that will express my gratitude to my King. The one who has brought me comfort, joy, gladness, peace, and assurance.

I came to the Dominican Republic to serve Him. And if I happen to impact a life along the way, or establish a few relationships, than all the better. But I can now say that Christ Jesus dwells in this place. And He's showing me just how beautiful that is.

1 comment:

Jason and Rachael Capp said...

We are so happy to hear of the learned experience. God is going to do amazing things through you there, Tasha.